"Slow is smooth and smooth is fast."
Have you ever heard, "Slow is smooth and smooth is fast?"
It's a saying the Navy Seals use.
Mike Roussell recently pointed out a few applications we can use:
1. Eat slower and you’ll enjoy your food more and feel more satisfied with less food.
2. Use slow cardio to stimulate the rest and digest side of your nervous system, strengthen your heart, and lower your resting heart rate.
3. Scramble eggs slower at a lower temperature for softer and more delicious eggs.
4. Nap slowly. Take a 45 minute nap on the weekends to take advantage of the physically restorative properties of slow wave sleep.
5. Focus on just one thing at a time. Multitasking forces your brain to jump from one thing to another and ends up being less efficient.
6. Snack on foods rich in casein protein, a slower digesting proteinthat helps blunt muscle breakdown. Good casein-rich snack foods are Greek yogurt and cottage cheese.
7. Slowly increase your total amount of exercise each week until you hit at least 150 minutes a week.
8. Slowly overwrite old habits with new ones. Focus your efforts on one habit at a time--starting with the easiest ones--before moving to the next habit. It's called "Habit Stacking."
Lots of little habits accumulated over time can lead to major change with less effort!