Relaxing in a hot bath can be good for body and mind.

4 Health Benefits of Taking A Hot Bath

May 09, 20242 min read

I used to think baths were for people who had lots of time on their hands.

Boy, was I wrong!

It's self-indulgent in a good way, a restorative way. It's good for you!

Health Benefits

1) Stress management

This one won me over. As I became weightless in the water, I felt the weight of my worries lift. Study participants reported reduced feelings of tension, anger, hostility, depression, and dejection.

2) Cardiovascular health

A 19-year-long study found that participants who often took warm baths had a decreased risk of cardiovascular events. The temperature--and relaxation--cause blood vessels to dilate, improving circulation and blood pressure.

3) Muscle and joint pain reduction

Increased blood flow brings nutrients to muscles, joints, ligaments, and tendons, which promotes healing and the warm water encourages muscles to relax. It's great for sore muscles.

4) Better sleep

Winding down in the tub helps you relax so you can transition to sleep more easily and sleep better. The temperature drop after a bath encourages you to nod off faster.

Bath tips from a 😉

🛀 Get in the tub when it's about half filled with water so you can adjust the temperature. You don't want to step in when it's full of water that's either too cold or too hot..... not relaxing!

🛀 Use water that's comfortably hot, not scalding so it won't dry out your skin.

🛀 Plan on spending 20-30 minutes to effectively relax.

🛀 Dim the lights to avoid visual distractions.

🛀 Put on some relaxing music or listen to a meditation.

🛀 Add scented bath salts or light a scented candle to make it more special.

🛀 Have something close by to drink.

🛀 Moisturize your skin afterward.

Avoid hot baths if...

❌ you have psoriasis, eczema, or similar skin conditions.

❌ you have health issues such that bathing might make you dizzy.

❌ you have certain health conditions or injuries that involve nerves, joints, or internal organs.

❌ you have neuropathy.

❌ you're pregnant. Hot baths aren't advisable but warm baths may be. Check with your doctor.

❌ you have trouble getting in and out of the tub.

Children should stick to warm, rather than hot baths.

My daughter was a skeptic until she tried it. Now she has a Sunday night bath ritual. It's her way of psyching up to face a new week.

Once you develop the association between the bath and stress reduction, it becomes even more effective. You almost feel better just thinking about it!

It's drug-free, calorie-free, alcohol-free, and might be the best time you spend all day!

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